Monthly Lunch Events: 2nd Monday of every month at locations around Boulder/Boulder County
Networking: Join 80+ members who are either local Commercial Brokers or in affiliated industries (bankers, title companies, lawyers, construction companies, etc!)
Educational Speakers at Every Event: Hear from local developers, investors, title companies, bankers, appraisers, lawyers, chambers of commerce, and others about important issues and current events going on in the area
CBB Members are able to host the Monthly Lunch Event at their listing with an average attendance of 45+ Members!
Join the CBB Mailing List: Monthly newsletter, events invitations, listing broadcasts to all CBB Members, and so much more
Free Annual Commission Update Class for Commercial Broker Members
Fun Events: Holiday Party, Ski Day, Rockies Game, etc!
CBB + CBL Happy Hour Invites: Every Month we hold a happy hour at breweries around Boulder and Longmont in conjunction with the Commercial Brokers of Longmont